Wednesday 15 November 2017

Mauri-career lesson T4W5

IALT define what is Mauri mean and what is it mean to myself.

Today we are having a career programmer with Ms.Aireen and we are talking about Mauri,this is my DLO about Mauri.A definition should has one sentence only and Mr.s Aireen let us do two sentence and that's the best I can do.

Threr also has three more question about Mauri:Where is Mauri come from?How is MAuri encouraged through the things taht we do and Why is Mauri important.

The last question:Whatis Mauri mean to me is a real question to me,because I am still not very sure about what is Mauri.So I choose some words that is relate to Mauri then write a real definition in one sentence.

I think this can count into two sentence.It is very hard to explain what is Mauri mean to me and share it out so I didn't share my opinion in the class with my classmates.I need to be more brave next time that is enough to me to say somting out front of others.

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