Monday 28 August 2017

Math T3W6

WALT - Use a range of multiplicative strategies when operating on whole/part-whole  numbers.

For today's math word task,I am try to figure out the age of the family member,the question told me'My' age is twice than brother,I am one fifth of my mum and dad's age is more than mum my brother's age.

This can tell me the relate from the family,at last it told me 'I' am going to school and my brother not,our age add together is a whole number.So from here I can figure out his age is 6,6 divide by 2 is 3,6 x 5 = 30,so mum is 30,and the last one,dad,dad's age is more than the mum my brother's age.So,brother is 3,3 plus 30 equals 33.That is how do I figure out the answer.

This task is very easy to me,because I've done some task is like this,so this didn't have difficult.

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